Exclusive 3-Day Live Online Event For The High Achieving Woman

March 25-27, 2022

Master your energy, get more done in less time and make your massive impact in the world

What is Freedom & Fulfillment Formula Live?

Simply put, Freedom & Fulfillment Formula Live is a virtual 3-day, high energy and high-impact event where you'll experience life-enriching strategies for:
  • Healing your addiction to achievement and filling the emptiness within
  • ​Activating your authentic inner power, passion, and purpose to uplevel your influence and impact (personally and professionally)
  • ​Dissolving the inner resistance that keeps you from fulfilling your soul's deepest yearning
  • ​Releasing the energy of struggle to allow the energy of freedom to flow in all areas (i.e. relationships, work, money, family, fitness, quality of life)
  • ​Opening up to new possibilities and insights that were previously not available to you

Dr. Whitney Gordon-Mead

Dr. Whitney founded Intuit Wisdom so she could help high-achieving women enjoy success without sacrificing their health, relationships, lifestyle, well-being, and more. As an International Speaker, Certified Master Trainer, Certified Coach, and Ordained Minister, Dr. Whitney shows powerful women worldwide how to uplevel themselves and their lives. 
In healing from fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, PTSD and burnout, Dr. Whitney designed a system for accelerated wellbeing that is rooted in metaphysics. She now uses this proven system to teach each client how to align with her essential authentic self, master her own well-being, and experience greater freedom and fulfillment. With her Doctorate in Metaphysics, Dr. Whitney is on a mission to create a world where every woman prioritizes herself and says “YES!” to life. She believes that life is not meant to be endured; it IS meant to be enjoyed! 

The Virtual Event Will Include:

  • Live Sessions
  • Real-Time Implementation
  • ​Transformative Practices
  • Interactive Exercises
  • ​Leave with your personal formula for freedom and fulfillment
  • Networking
  • ​The best of an in-person event without having to leave your house
  •  Day 1

Activate Your Power

On day one, you will take steps to activate the power that’s lying dormant, that’s not being accessed, that’s not being used. When you align with your inner power, you stay true to your authentic self and doors of opportunity, freedom, and fulfillment will open for you.

  •  Day 2

Ignite Your Passion

On day two, you will learn how to locate and exercise your passion muscles. Your passion comes from within. Reclaiming it will increase your influence and impact. When you master your passion, you inspire others and the world. 
  •  Day 3

Live Your Purpose

To live your purpose is to do what’s meaningful to you in alignment with your values and beliefs. On day 3, you’ll discover how to trust that you have what you need and you're doing what’s right for you. You’ll experience feeling alive and living in flow.

Ready for Freedom and Fulfillment?

March 25-27, 2022
  • 3-day, high-energy and high-impact event where you'll discover how to master your energy, get more done in less time and make your massive impact in the world
  • Live Speaker Sessions
  • Real Time Implementation
  • Transformative Practices
  • Interactive Exercises
  • Networking
  • One on One Coaching Session
  • The best of an in-person event without having to leave your house
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General + VIP admission
March 25-27, 2022
  • 3-day, high-energy and high-impact event where you'll discover how to master your energy, get more done in less time and make your massive impact in the world
  • Live Speaker Sessions
  • Real Time Implementation
  • Transformative Practices
  • Interactive Exercises
  • Networking
  • One on One Coaching Session
  • The best of an in-person event without having to leave your house
  • Reception Night Before Event
  • Ask Dr. Whitney Anything VIP Session
  • Access to an Amazing Digital Swag Bag
  • Recordings of the event provided 30 days after the event
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